
Advent of Code 2022 - Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube

In today's double feature, we're tackling Day 10: Cathod-Ray Tube. The challenge is to use a list of assembly-code-like instructions to simulate the state of a small device.

Catching strong 2019 vibes...

Parsing the instructions

Parsing this input line by line is typical of most days. We split it into lines, and then create a small Parsec parser that can convert those lines to a data type. The data type then allows us to do pattern matching in our other "business logic" functions.

There are two small notes today:

  1. I unwrapped the result with fromRight [] so that my tests don't need to operate on Eithers. This did, however, cause me to miss a parsing error for some time, as it was silently replaced with a valid-but-empty list of instructions.
  2. Our parseInt function needed to be expanded to handle negative numbers. Whoops! parseInt = read <$> many1 (char '-' <|> digit)

Here's the rest of the parsing code:

import Data.Either
import Input
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

data Instruction = Noop | Addx Int
  deriving (Show, Eq)

parseInstruction :: GenParser Char u Instruction
parseInstruction = parseNoop <|> parseAddx
    parseNoop = try $ string "noop" >> return Noop
    parseAddx = try $ string "addx " >> Addx <$> parseInt

input :: IO [Instruction]
input = fromRight [] . traverse (parse parseInstruction "") . lines <$> readDay 2022 10

Running Instructions With State

We have a list of instructions and a register, and our goal is to simulate "cycles." We need a way to keep track of the result of each cycle and the state of the register for the next cycle. We can do that with the State monad!

With the State monad, we define each computation as a function from some previous state, to both a value and an updated state. We can chain these computations together, and each will receive the state from the previous computation.

Since we need to know the value of the register at any arbitrary cycle, let's have each instruction return a list of those values. The noop instruction takes one cycle to complete, so it will return a list with just one of the register value in it. The addx instruction takes two cycles, so it will return a list of length 2.

noop :: State Int [Int]
noop = do
  x <- get
  return [x]

addx :: Int -> State Int [Int]
addx v = do
  x <- get
  put (x + v) -- Update the register for the next instruction
  return [x, x] -- Takes 2 cycles to complete

step :: Instruction -> State Int [Int]
step Noop = noop
step (Addx v) = addx v

Part 1 - Compute and inspect

For part 1, we want to run our computation and inspect the value at particular cycles. We'll use a function compute to calculate a list of Int pairs. Let's look at the code first:

compute :: [Instruction] -> [(Int, Int)]
compute = zip [1 ..] . flip evalState 1 . fmap concat . traverse step

What is this doing?

  1. traverse step: Look at the type of traverse:
    traverse :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)

    Step is our function from Instruction to State Int [Int]. Our second argument comes from compute and is a list of Instructions. Our return type is then a State Int [[Int]]. In other words, a computation that can be given an initial state and result in a list of lists of register values.

  2. fmap concat: Flatten our list-of-lists into a single list of register values. We use fmap to concatenate the value inside the State monad (which is also a Functor).
  3. flip evalState 1: Run our stateful computation with the initial register value of 1.
  4. zip [1 ..]: Attach the cycle count to each register value. This will make it easier to find the 20th, 60th, etc.

Part 1 - Signal Strength

With all that in place, the only remaining piece of Part 1 is to compute the signal strength:

part1 :: [Instruction] -> Int
part1 = sum . fmap signalStrength . compute
    signalStrength (i, x)
      | i `mod` 40 == 20 && i <= 220 = i * x
      | otherwise = 0

Part 2 - Rendering Sprites

Part 2 sounds much more complicated than it turns out to be. We have our computation all ready to go, so we just need to see if the cycle instruction and register value correspond to painting a pixel or not. The cycle instruction is 1-indexed, so we need to subtract 1 and modulo the length of the line (40). If that's within 1 of the register value, we paint a pixel.

Advent of Code examples use . and # to represent dark and light squares. I've learned my lesson over the years, and will use the much clearer '⬛' and '🟩'.

part2 :: [Instruction] -> String
part2 = unlines . chunksOf 40 . fmap render . compute
    render (i, x) = if abs (x - ((i - 1) `mod` 40)) <= 1 then '🟩' else '⬛'

Full Code

module AOC2022.Day10 (spec) where

import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Either
import Data.List.Split
import Input
import Test.Hspec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State)

input :: IO [Instruction]
input = fromRight [] . traverse (parse parseInstruction "") . lines <$> readDay 2022 10

spec :: IO ()
spec = hspec $ do
  describe "Day 10" $ do
    describe "Part 1" $ do
      it "runs on custom input" $ do
        myInput <- input
        part1 myInput `shouldBe` 0 -- redacted
    describe "Part 2" $ do
      it "runs on custom input" $ do
        myInput <- input
        part2 myInput `shouldBe` "" --redacted

data Instruction = Noop | Addx Int
  deriving (Show, Eq)

parseInstruction :: GenParser Char u Instruction
parseInstruction = parseNoop <|> parseAddx
    parseNoop = try $ string "noop" >> return Noop
    parseAddx = try $ string "addx " >> Addx <$> parseInt

noop :: State Int [Int]
noop = do
  x <- get
  return [x]

addx :: Int -> State Int [Int]
addx v = do
  x <- get
  put (x + v) -- Update the register
  return [x, x] -- Takes 2 cycles to complete

step :: Instruction -> State Int [Int]
step Noop = noop
step (Addx v) = addx v

compute :: [Instruction] -> [(Int, Int)]
compute = zip [1 ..] . flip evalState 1 . fmap concat . traverse step

part1 :: [Instruction] -> Int
part1 = sum . fmap signalStrength . compute
    signalStrength (i, x)
      | i `mod` 40 == 20 && i <= 220 = i * x
      | otherwise = 0

part2 :: [Instruction] -> String
part2 = unlines . chunksOf 40 . fmap render . compute
    render (i, x) = if abs (x - ((i - 1) `mod` 40)) <= 1 then '🟩' else '⬛'

Advent of Code 2022 Series

This post is part of a series describing my Haskell solutions to Advent of Code 2022.

Next: Day 11: Monkey in the Middle Previous: Day 9: Rope Bridge
